Our mission: to defend and support the fishermen of Saint Barth in their various activities
In June 2021, the Comité Territorial des Pêches et de l'Aquaculture de Saint-Barthélemy (CTPA) was created, an association under the French law of 1901 which brings together fishermen and future professional aquaculturists, as well as stakeholders in this sector. It is to be structured as a sector, in accordance with the 10-year Sector Development Plan, established in 2017. This structure, which has already been put in place on the island, enables the fishermen to be represented and their general interests to be defended before the national and Community authorities. The committee participates in the management of fisheries resources and the transmission of this activity to future generations, within the framework of sustainable and responsible fishing. Its associative project, which can be consulted freely, affirms this. The professional members who join this association, the "Comité territorial des pêches et de l'aquaculture de Saint-Barthélemy", regardless of their status, are involved in the production of sea fishing and marine farming products within the geographical area of the territorial committee. All professional producers are called upon to join the CTPA. The Territorial Collectivity of Saint Barthelemy has entrusted the Multiprofessional Economic Chamber with the task of providing technical support to professional fishermen with a view to this useful and necessary achievement for the territory. To this end, Lise Perrin, a project manager, has been providing technical assistance to the CTPA since October 2021. An action plan and priorities for 2021-22 have been defined.